Hello Ayla!

Two years ago, Joy of Life had the pleasure in caring for Ashley and Jon during the pregnancy and birth of their daughter Aria. Ashley’s humor and quick wit kept us highly entertained throughout her daughter’s pregnancy so when the phone rang telling Joy it was time for round 2, we couldn’t have been more excited. The months flew by with Ashley’s pregnancy and before we knew it she was in labor. Ayla came screaming into the world after a remarkably fast labor.  Ayla needed a little oxygen supplementation, so we decided to transfer her to Mercy Regional for additional observation.  After just a few short hours of a small amount of supportive oxygen Ayla was back in her mother’s arms and the family was snug at home the next day. We have loved watching this family grow and thank them for allowing us to be a part of their journey.

Ashley has an inner strength and drive that is admirable.  Jon has a steadfast nature that matches.  Aria and Ayla are so lucky to have each other and two wonderful parents!

With love,

The team at Joy of Life