(970) 946-1345 - drjoynd@gmail.com

Frequently Asked Questions

We believe that birth is one of the most important and intimate processes of life. We are committed to providing a safe and respectful birth experience for you, your partner, and your baby. Prenatally we focus on client education and true informed consent. We value your needs and desires and your knowledge of what is best for your family. We strive to create an atmosphere of security and comfort allows you to labor and birth more effectively, with much less need for intervention, and fewer complications. We believe in keeping babies close to their mothers, which helps them in their transition, as well as  facilitates bonding and a successful breastfeeding relationship .
Collectively we have attended over 750 births.
We generally do not have more than 2 or 3 births scheduled per month for any given midwife. With this client load, it is very rare to have two births happening at the same time. However, we are a group practice, and in the rare instance that your midwife is at another birth, another one of our caring midwives would be available to assume primary care.
We are on call for established clients from 37 weeks of pregnancy until 2 weeks postpartum. Throughout the rest of your care, we are available directly and non-emergent calls are returned within 24hrs.
Our local obstetricians, pediatricians and nurse midwives are always accessible when a transfer of care is appropriate. We communicate openly with our medical community and maintain continuity of care with clients.
We bring one or two trained assistants to every birth.
All diagnostic tests are offered, but not required. We discuss your options and offer informed consent for testing.
We recommend childbirth education classes or self study to prepare for the labor and birth.
We are very supportive of husbands/partners having an active role in the labor and birth.
Depending on the situation, about 4 hours.
This is one of the most underestimated gems of homebirth midwifery care. We come to your home… We typically do two postpartum home visits, a 24 hour visit and a day 3 or 4 visit. We see clients in the office at 2 weeks and 6 weeks.
We do one prenatal home visit at about 36 weeks to discuss the birth and make sure all supplies are in order.
In the event of a transfer of care, we will go with you to the hospital and stay with you until your care is underway. We will continue to see you postpartum and are available for phone support as needed.
Our c-section rate is about 3%, which is very similar to most home birth midwives. The current national average is about 30%.
We love waterbirths and encourage every woman who desires to use a birth tub. The birth tub can be a very useful tool in active labor and transition for pain relief, and many women choose to stay in the water for the birth as well. We have several tubs available to our clients at no extra charge.
We are contracted in Colorado with CHP+, but are not able to accept Medicaid. For those with private insurance, we are often reimbursed as out of network providers. This means, depending on your plan, you may be able to get a percentage of our costs covered. If you choose to bill private insurance for our care we ask that you pay our full fee up front while you await reimbursement. We have a wonderful billing company that can help maximize your return for a small fee.
Doulas are wonderful and a valuable addition to a birth team in any setting. We do not require that you hire a Doula but believe that their added support is a benefit to both the mother, father, and midwives.

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