This little guy decided to come a couple days earlier than expected, but was long awaited by his parents and family. We want to say congratulations to this awesome family on the arrival of baby Vaughn! He made his entrance on a beautiful May evening in the comfort and safety of the family’s home.
Shara you did such an amazing job preserving a healthy pregnancy with good nourishment, exercise and much laughter! You followed your body’s cues so well through labor and were so strong pushing your baby into this world!
Scott you were such rock solid support for your family through pregnancy and definitely through labor! It been inspiring to watch you guys as a couple navigate your way into parenthood so gracefully and in partnership.
Baby Vaughn had a lot to say immediately after the birth. He had to tell his whole birth story to us right away before calming down to nurse. What a handsome, healthy little boy!
It has truly been an honor to be your midwives and walk through this season of life with you. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of it! I will miss laughing with you guys at our visits!
Beka, Annie & Joy
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